From TDWG Terms Wiki
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See also types defined by Semantic MediaWiki and Special:Properties for all properties. |
Imported from | (Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1) See also import page MediaWiki:Smw_import_dc |
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The SMW-import-page (MediaWiki:Smw import dc) defines a name space prefix “dc” and the following pages (=concepts or concept collections “”):
contributor │ coverage │ creator │ date │ description │ format │ identifier │ language │ publisher │ relation │ rights │ source │ subject │ title │ type
A concept page is supposed to be in the article name space holding more detailed definitions, notes, relations etc. than the basic settings here on the property page.
The SMW-import-page (MediaWiki:Smw import dc) defines a name space prefix “dc” and the following pages (=concepts or concept collections “”):
contributor │ coverage │ creator │ date │ description │ format │ identifier │ language │ publisher │ relation │ rights │ source │ subject │ title │ type
Pages using the property "dc:description"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
(previous 25) (next 25)A | |
ABCD 2 + | '''ABCD (Access to Biological Collection Data), Version 2.06'''.<br /> ABCD Schema is a comprehensive XML-based standard for the access to and exchange of natural history collection and observational data. The development of ABCD started in 2001; in 2005 it was ratified as TDWG standard. ABCD allows a detailed, atomized mapping of information about collection specimens and results of observations in the field. Data from any arbitrarily structured database can be mapped using freely available open source software (BioCASE provider software - Currently ABCD is used to publish data in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF,, German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio,, Europeana (, etc. The ABCD standard has been extended for the mapping of DNA samples (GGBN, and mineralogical and paleontological records (EFG, Extended for Geoscience, and is used for their publication in thematic specialized portals (GGBN Portal: and GeoCase: + |
ABCD DNA extension + | The DNA extension for ABCD includes a glossary of terms related to physical DNA samples and sequence data. The DNA extension for ABCD is intended to be used together with the core ABCD as ABCDDNA. It has been developed within the DNA Bank Network to be used to share data related to physical DNA samples within the DNA Bank Network. Based on this extension the current GGBN Data Standard has been developed and ABCDDNA is from now on an implementation of the GGBN Data Standard terms. The DNA Bank Network is a founding member of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN). + |
ABCD EFG + | ABCD EFG (ABCD Extended for Geosciences) is an extension for the [[ABCD 2|ABCD XML Schema]] (Access to Biological Collection Databases) for use with palaeontological, mineralogical and geological digitalized collection data. + |
Audubon Core Development + | The <b>Audubon Core</b> is a set of vocabularies designed to represent metadata for biodiversity multimedia resources and collections. These vocabularies aim to represent information that will help to determine whether a particular resource or collection will be fit for some particular biodiversity science application before acquiring the media. Among others, the vocabularies address such concerns as the management of the media and collections, descriptions of their content, their taxonomic, geographic, and temporal coverage, and the appropriate ways to retrieve, attribute and reproduce them. + |
Audubon Core Layer 1 + | '''Audubon Core layer 1''' provides the most basic vocabulary to describe media resources with Audubon Core terms. All Audubon Core terms are either in Audubon Core Layer 1 or [[Audubon Core Layer 2]]. + |
Audubon Core Layer 2 + | '''Audubon Core layer 2''' provides a richer vocabulary to describe media resources with Audubon Core terms. All Audubon Core terms are either in [[Audubon Core Layer 1]] or Audubon Core Layer 2. + |
Audubon Core Management Vocabulary + | This vocabulary provides generic management metadata (identifier, title, type, etc.) as well as the ''hasServiceAccessPoint'' property providing access to the ''representation-dependent metadata'' defined in [[Audubon Core Service Access Point Vocabulary]] + |
Audubon Core Service Access Point Vocabulary + | These terms are representation-dependent metadata, referring to specific digital representations of a resource (e.g. a specific resolution, quality, or format). They are not intended for the abstract media resource (e.g. the image irrespective of represention, resolution, format) that is identified by [[dcterms:identifier]]. The terms are to be used within a Service Access Point, which in many implementation will be accessed through the [[ac:hasServiceAccessPoint|Service Access Point]] property. + |
B | |
Biorelations + | The GBIF terms biorelation vocabulary is a vocabulary to express relations between biological objects, parts and structures, habitats, molecules, etc. In its first iteration, it is closely modeled after a subset of the OBO Relation ontology (RO, previously at which replace the earlier OBO_REL ontology ( The reasons for providing a separate ontology are to provide the ability to extent with additional terms and make the dependency on the owl productions of RO optional. + |
D | |
Darwin Core + | The Darwin Core ([ DwC]) is a body of standards. It includes a glossary of terms (in other contexts these might be called properties, elements, fields, columns, attributes, or concepts) intended to facilitate the sharing of information about biological diversity by providing reference definitions, examples, and commentaries. The Darwin Core is primarily based on taxa, their occurrence in nature as documented by observations, specimens, and samples, and related information. Included are documents describing how these terms are managed, how the set of terms can be extended for new purposes, and how the terms can be used. The Simple Darwin Core [ SIMPLEDWC] is a specification for one particular way to use the terms - to share data about taxa and their occurrences in a simply structured way - and is probably what is meant if someone suggests to “format your data according to the Darwin Core”. + |
Darwin Core Event + | An action that occurs at some location during some time. + |
Darwin Core FossilSpecimen + | A preserved specimen that is a fossil. + |
Darwin Core GeologicalContext + | The category of information pertaining to a location within a geological context, such as stratigraphy. + |
Darwin Core HumanObservation + | An output of a human observation process. + |
Darwin Core Identification + | A taxonomic determination (e.g., the assignment to a taxon). + |
Darwin Core LivingSpecimen + | A specimen that is alive. + |
Darwin Core Location + | A spatial region or named place. For Darwin Core, a set of terms describing a place, whether named or not. + |
Darwin Core MachineObservation + | An output of a machine observation process. + |
Darwin Core Material Sample + | The category of information pertaining to the physical results of a sampling (or subsampling) event. In biological collections, the material sample is typically collected, and either preserved or destructively processed. + |
Darwin Core MaterialSample + | A physical results of a sampling (or subsampling) event. In biological collections, the material sample is typically collected, and either preserved or destructively processed. + |
Darwin Core Measurement or Fact + | The category of information pertaining to measurements, facts, characteristics, or assertions about a resource (instance of data record, such as Occurrence, Taxon, Location, Event). + |
Darwin Core Occurrence + | The category of information pertaining to evidence of an occurrence in nature, in a collection, or in a dataset (specimen, observation, etc.). + |
Darwin Core Organism + | A particular organism or defined group of organisms considered to be taxonomically homogeneous. + |
Darwin Core PreservedSpecimen + | A specimen that has been preserved. + |
Darwin Core Record-level Terms + | Terms under the Record-level Terms section apply to the whole record regardless of the record type. For example, a record for a camera trap bird sighting would fall into the Dublin Core dcterms:type category StillImage and at the same time into the Darwin Core basisOfRecord category MachineObservation - a particular type of Occurrence, so the value of dcterms:type term for the record would be "StillImage" and the value of the basisOfRecord term would be "MachineObservation" to show which kind of Occurrence record it is. All of the rest of the record-level terms would apply to the Occurrence record. + |