Audubon Core Management Vocabulary

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Warning: This is not the current version of this document. It is kept for archival purposes. For up-to-date information, go to

Scheme: Audubon Core Pencil.png

Description: This vocabulary provides generic management metadata (identifier, title, type, etc.) as well as the hasServiceAccessPoint property providing access to the representation-dependent metadata defined in Audubon Core Service Access Point Vocabulary

This is a collection within the Audubon Core. It contains the following concepts:

By label: CommentsDate AvailableIdentifierMetadata DateMetadata LanguageModifiedProvider-managed IDRatingReviewerReviewer CommentsService Access PointSubtypeTitleType
By concept name: ac:commentsac:hasServiceAccessPointac:metadataLanguageac:providerManagedIDac:reviewerac:reviewerCommentsac:subtypedcterms:availabledcterms:identifierdcterms:modifieddcterms:titledcterms:typexmp:MetadataDatexmp:Rating