From TDWG Terms Wiki
This is Sandbox page to test things. Property test: Dummypage
{{Draw graphviz concept relation|concept=dcterms:rights}}
Collections within Darwin Core:
- Darwin Core Event
- Darwin Core FossilSpecimen
- Darwin Core GeologicalContext
- Darwin Core HumanObservation
- Darwin Core Identification
- Darwin Core LivingSpecimen
- Darwin Core Location
- Darwin Core MachineObservation
- Darwin Core Material Sample
- Darwin Core Measurement or Fact
- Darwin Core Occurrence
- Darwin Core Organism
- Darwin Core PreservedSpecimen
- Darwin Core Record-level Terms
- Darwin Core Resource Relationship
- Darwin Core Taxon
Visualize relations
Note: the oltree format seems to need categories/subcategories or properties/subproperties to show nested relations.
{{#ask: [[Class:Simple Knowledge Organization System]] [[rdfs:subPropertyOf::+]] |format=oltree |parent=rdfs:subPropertyOf }}
- skos:ConceptScheme
- skos:altLabel
- skos:broadMatch
- skos:broader
- skos:broaderTransitive
- skos:changeNote
- skos:closeMatch
- skos:definition
- skos:editorialNote
- skos:exactMatch
- skos:example
- skos:hiddenLabel
- skos:inScheme
- skos:mappingRelation
- skos:narrowMatch
- skos:narrower
- skos:narrowerTransitive
- skos:notation
- skos:prefLabel
- skos:related
- skos:relatedMatch
- skos:scopeNote
- skos:semanticRelation
{{#ask: [[Class:Simple Knowledge Organization System]] [[Subproperty of::+]] |?Subproperty of |format=graph | graphlink=yes | arrowdirection=RL }}