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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- dwc:county + (The name of this term is not meant to limi … The name of this term is not meant to limit its content to the names of counties. The term name is a legacy from the original version of the Darwin Core. Despite the term's name, the content has always been intended to include the name of a second-level administrative subdivision of a country. See [[dcterms:Location]] for further discussion of geographic terms.or further discussion of geographic terms.)
- dwc:municipality + (The name of this term is not meant to limit its content to names of municipalities. Instead, it is intended to include the name of a third-level administrative subdivision of a country. See [[dcterms:Location]] for further discussion of geographic terms.)
- dwctype:HumanObservation + (The occurrence was documented with machine-recorded evidence that could be re-evaluated, such as photographs (camera-trap or hand-held camera), video, or sound recordings.)
- dwc:occurrenceID + (The occurrenceID is supposed to (globally) … The occurrenceID is supposed to (globally) uniquely identify an occurrence record, whether it is a specimen-based occurrence, a one-time observation of a species at a location, or one of many occurrences of an individual who is being tracked, monitored, or recaptured. Making it globally unique is quite a trick, one for which we don't really have good solutions in place yet, but one which ontologists insist is which ontologists insist is essential.)
- dwc:countryCode + (The official list of ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes can be found at See [[dcterms:Location]] for further discussion of geographic terms.)
- dwc:associatedOccurrences + (The recommended best practice is to separate the values with a vertical bar (' | ').)
- dwc:georeferenceVerificationStatus + (The recommended controlled vocabulary incl … The recommended controlled vocabulary includes: unverified <br /> verified by data custodian <br /> verified by contributor <br /> The data contributor is the agent who participated in the Event that produced the Location. Verification by the contributor means that the georeference as recorded is correct and as specific as it can be based on the contributor's personal knowledge of the event and location. The data custodian is the agent responsible for the management of the primary source of the record. Verification by the data custodian means that the georeference as recorded is correct and as specific as it can be based on the all of the resources at the disposal of the agent (field notes, maps, labels) in the absence of verification by the contributor. All other georeferences, those produced without consulting all existing primary sources, should be "unverified". See [[dcterms:Location]] for further discussion of georeference terms.further discussion of georeference terms.)
- dwc:sex + (The recommended controlled vocabulary includes: unknowable undetermined female male hermaphrodite gynandromorph)
- dwc:lifeStage + (The recommended controlled vocabulary includes: zygote embryo larva juvenile adult sporophyte spore gametophyte gamete pupa)
- dwc:occurrenceStatus + (The recommended controlled vocabulary incl … The recommended controlled vocabulary includes: ;present :There is at least one well documented record of the taxon's presence in the area. ;absent :There is evidence to document the absence of a taxon in the area. ;common :The taxon has been observed frequently in the area. ;irregular :The presence of the taxon varies episodically in the area. ;rare :The taxon has been observed infrequently in the area. ;doubtful :The taxon is presumed present in the area, but there is doubt over the evidence, including taxonomic or geographic imprecision in the records. Use only "present" or "absent" as the possible values for occurrenceStatus of particular Events. Other values of the vocabulary are permissible for taxon distribution records.ermissible for taxon distribution records.)
- dwc:establishmentMeans + (The recommended controlled vocabulary includes: native introduced naturalised invasive managed uncertain)
- tp:nomenclature + (The scientific names are regulated by Code … The scientific names are regulated by Codes (e.g. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature) that define the conditions to be met to create an available name, or to amend existing names in case they are homonyms, missing a type specimens, etc. The Codes regulate "objective" cases. "Subjective" cases, essentially those based on scientific taxonomic reasons once a taxon has been established, such as the designation of synonymy, raising of the status of a taxon are not regulated by the Codes. The goal of the <tp:nomenclature> element is to include all the necessary elements to fulfill the requirements laid out in the code. * <[[taxpub:taxon-name|tp:taxon-name]]>: Latinized Name (eg Latin Binomen in the case of species) * <[[taxpub:taxon-authority|tp:taxon-authority]]>: Authorauthority|tp:taxon-authority]]>: Author)
- dwc:footprintSRS + (The specification for constructing Spatial … The specification for constructing Spatial Reference Systems in WKT can be found at Following are some example WKT renditions of common Spatial Reference Systems: WGS84 GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]] NAD27 GEOGCS["NAD27",DATUM["NORTH_AMERICAN_DATUM_1927",SPHEROID["CLARKE 1866",6378206.4,294.9786982138982]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.01745329251994283]] See [[dcterms:Location]] for further discussion of georeference terms.further discussion of georeference terms.)
- tp:type-species + (The status is defined by the code, of whic … The status is defined by the code, of which the designation as holotype is requested to create an available name , lectotype the selection of a type from a series of syntypes and neotype the designation of a new type. These designations are ruled by the Code (see [ ICZN]). The designation of paratypes, androtypes is arbitrary.ion of paratypes, androtypes is arbitrary.)
- tp:type-status + (The status is defined by the code, of whic … The status is defined by the code, of which the designation as holotype is requested to create an available name , lectotype the selection of a type from a series of syntypes and neotype the designation of a new type. These designations are ruled by the Code (see [ ICZN]). The designation of paratypes, androtypes is arbitrary.ion of paratypes, androtypes is arbitrary.)
- tp:treatment-sec + (The treatment sections model the various e … The treatment sections model the various elements used to describe a taxon, e.g. materials citations, biology, description, diagnosis, keys or etymology. These elements are defined by the sec-type attribute ("type=XXX"). The values ought be general values so that searches to make best use of the semantic nature of the tagging and allowing comparisons and general searches. However the current DTD allows a free choice of the terminology for the attributes. The following values are suggested and are partially also reflected in the [ SPMInfoItems]: * biology_ecology: The description of the biology, behavior and ecology of the taxon. * description: The formal description of the taxon. * diagnosis: The character that differentiate this taxon from another. * discussion: A discussion of the value of certain characters and its limitations, the materials included in the publication, future research needed. * distribution: A biogeographic synthesis of the observation data underlying this study. * etymology: The origin of the name of the taxon. * key: Identification tool to identify the children of the pertinent taxon. * materials_examined: The listing of the observation data used in the study. It can be very detailed to cursory. * multiple: An element allowing mixed content. * synopsis: A list of children taxa belonging into the pertinent taxon. <tp:treatment-sec> can be nested. This allows increasingly specific mark up, eg a description part, and within it the description of female, male, soldier, larva or other casts or life stages.dier, larva or other casts or life stages.)
- dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem + (The verbatimCoordinateSystem term is meant … The verbatimCoordinateSystem term is meant to help with the interpretation of the values given in verbatimLatitude and verbatimLongitude, or verbatimCoordinates. The recommended controlled vocabulary includes: decimal degrees <br /> degrees decimal minutes <br /> degrees minutes seconds <br /> UTM <br /> CRTM <br /> UTM refers to Universal Transverse Mercator. CRTM refers to Costa Rica Transverse Mercator. For verbatim coordinates given in degrees, or degrees and minutes, use "degrees minutes seconds". See [[dcterms:Location]] for further discussion of verbatim coordinate terms.r discussion of verbatim coordinate terms.)
- dwctype:PreservedSpecimen + (There is (or was at one time) a preserved physical part of the organism (however small) that could be re-evaluated. The organism is preserved (dead) but was living within historic times.)
- dwctype:FossilSpecimen + (There is (or was at one time) a preserved physical part of the organism that could be re-evaluated. The organism was living within prehistoric times.)
- dwctype:LivingSpecimen + (There is a specimen available. The specimen was living (growing/metabolizing, not a dormant part of a PreservedSpecimen), at least when the resource was created.)
- skos:mappingRelation + (These concept mapping relations mirror sem … These concept mapping relations mirror semantic relations, and the data model defined below is similar (with the exception of skos:exactMatch) to the data model defined for semantic relations. A distinct vocabulary is provided for concept mapping relations, to provide a convenient way to differentiate links within a concept scheme from links between concept schemes. However, this pattern of usage is not a formal requirement of the SKOS data model, and relies on informal definitions of best practice.on informal definitions of best practice.)
- tp:taxon-authority + (This can be anything from a single author to a whole string including author, year, publication page, etc.. Formica rufa <b>L.</b> or Formica rufa <b>Linnaeus 1758:580</b>)
- tp:descriptive-statement-part + (This can be the character (e.g. head) or the character state (round, ovoid, red,..))
- tp:taxon-status + (This can designate an act that happened in … This can designate an act that happened in an earlier, but cited citation, or that happens within this treatment. Eg <b>syn.</b> vs. <b>syn. nov.</b>: The former refers to a synonymy made, the latter to a synonym being proposed in the actual treatment.ym being proposed in the actual treatment.)
- tp:collecting-event + (This can refer to a specific collection or many collections made. For example, if a Malaise trap is set and collected thousands of species, then the collecting-event remains the same for all the specimens.)
- ggbn:methodDeterminationWeight + (This element can be used for both DNA and tissue samples (or specimens))
- tp:taxon-authority-part + (This is a single element in of the taxon-authority element. er.g. a single author (<b>Linnaeus</b>), the year of publication (<b>1758</b>))
- abcd2:Sex + (This is another element in need of a standard term list enforced on the database level.; Note that counts can be provided in the Unit's {{{MeasurementsOrFacts}}} section.)
- kingdomID + (This is just an experimental place holder exploring resolution of attributes in GBIF portal meta.xml for occurrence data)
- sandbox:countryName + (This name is related to [[sandbox:countryNameText]]. If the content of the [[sandbox:countryNameText]] is unclean and needs to be parsed/process the results will be of this concept.)
- skos:note + (This property may be used directly, or as a super-property for more specific note types.)
- skos:semanticRelation + (This property should not be used directly, but as a super-property for all properties denoting a relationship of meaning between concepts.)
- dcterms:isPartOf + (This term is intended to be used with non- … This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration.intention with a formal range declaration.)
- dwc:organismScope + (This term is not intended to be used to specify a type of taxon. To describe the kind of Organism using a URI object in RDF, use rdf:type ( instead.)
- dwc:verbatimSRS + (This term refers only to the values given … This term refers only to the values given in verbatimLatitude and verbatimLongitude, or verbatimCoordinates, but the recommended best practice is the same as for geodeticDatum, below. See [[dcterms:Location]] for further discussion of verbatim coordinate terms.r discussion of verbatim coordinate terms.)
- abcd2:Gathering-LongitudeDecimal + (To store coordinates that are expressed in a non decimal way (e.g. by using Degrees, Minutes and Seconds), please use [[abcd2:Gathering-VerbatimLongitude]])
- abcd2:Gathering-LatitudeDecimal + (To store coordinates that are expressed in a non decimal way (e.g. by using Degrees, Minutes and Seconds), please use [[abcd2:Gathering-VerbatimLatitude]])
- dc:rights + (Typically, rights information includes a s … Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights. A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace ( See the Introduction to the document "DCMI Metadata Terms" ( for an explanation.documents/dcmi-terms/) for an explanation.)
- dc:contributor + (Typically, the name of a Contributor should be used to indicate the entity.)
- dc:subject + (Typically, the subject will be represented … Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace ( See the Introduction to the document "DCMI Metadata Terms" ( for an explanation.documents/dcmi-terms/) for an explanation.)
- dcterms:subject + (Typically, the subject will be represented … Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration.intention with a formal range declaration.)
- ac:accessURI + (Value might point to something offline, such as a published CD, etc. For example, the doi of an published CD would be a suitable value.)
- abcd2:Gathering-WMSURL + (WMS is already common use. You can link to Microsoft's Terraserver and lots of other resources.[Reed Beaman])
- dwc:Event + (abcdEquivalence: DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Gathering)
- ggbn:loanIdentifier + (based on HISPID extension for ABCD)
- ggbn:loanDate + (based on HISPID extension for ABCD)
- ggbn:loanDestination + (based on HISPID extension for ABCD; in this instance, “sent” is not equivalent to “shipped”. A shipment can be directed to a recipient who is not the actual intended responsible party; many organizations have shipping offices to handle packages.)
- ggbn:primerName + (can be used for ABCD implementation; for Darwin Core-Archive implementation please use [[ggbn:primerNameForward]] or [[ggbn:primerNameReverse]])
- ggbn:primerReferenceLink + (can be used for ABCD implementation; for Darwin Core-Archive implementation please use [[ggbn:primerReferenceLinkForward]] or [[ggbn:primerReferenceLinkReverse]])
- ggbn:primerReferenceCitation + (can be used for ABCD implementation; for Darwin Core-Archive implementation please use [[ggbn:primerReferenceCitationForward]] or [[ggbn:primerReferenceCitationReverse]])
- ggbn:primerSequence + (can be used for ABCD implementation; for Darwin Core-Archive implementation please use [[ggbn:primerSequenceForward]] or [[ggbn:primerSequenceReverse]])