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Pages in category "FloraTerms"
The following 500 pages are in this category, out of 8,588 total.
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- FloraTerms
- ft:abaxial
- ft:abaxials
- ft:abbreviated
- ft:abcissing
- ft:abnormal
- ft:abortive
- ft:aboveground
- ft:abrupt
- ft:abscising
- ft:abscissing
- ft:abscission
- ft:absent
- ft:abundant
- ft:abutting
- ft:acanthophylls
- ft:acaulescent
- ft:acauline
- ft:acaulous
- ft:accessory
- ft:accessory cell
- ft:accessory fruit
- ft:accrescent
- ft:accumbent
- ft:accuminate
- ft:acephalous
- ft:acerose
- ft:acetabuliform
- ft:achene
- ft:achenelike
- ft:achenes
- ft:achlamydeous
- ft:achlorophyllous
- ft:achlys
- ft:acicular
- ft:aciculate
- ft:acidic
- ft:acinaciform
- ft:acorn
- ft:acorns
- ft:acrid
- ft:acrid tasting
- ft:acrocaulous
- ft:acrodromous
- ft:acropetal
- ft:acroramous
- ft:acroscopic
- ft:acrostichoid
- ft:acrostichoides
- ft:actino
- ft:actino plectostelic
- ft:actinocytic
- ft:actinodromous
- ft:actinomorphic
- ft:aculeate
- ft:acumen
- ft:acuminate
- ft:acuminate aristulate
- ft:acuminate cornate
- ft:acuminate subpandurate
- ft:acuminatenate
- ft:acumination
- ft:acuminations
- ft:acutae
- ft:acutangular
- ft:acute
- ft:acute acuminate
- ft:acute acuminate apiculate
- ft:acute acuminate attenuate
- ft:acute biserrate
- ft:acute caudate acuminate
- ft:acute tipped
- ft:acutish
- ft:acyclic
- ft:adanson
- ft:adaxial
- ft:adaxials
- ft:additional
- ft:adelphous
- ft:adenopetalous
- ft:adherent
- ft:adhesive
- ft:adjacent
- ft:adjoining
- ft:adnate
- ft:adnate pubescent
- ft:adnation
- ft:adpressed
- ft:adpressed pubescent
- ft:adult
- ft:adulthood
- ft:adventitious
- ft:adventitious bud
- ft:adventitious root
- ft:adventitous
- ft:adventive
- ft:aerenchyma
- ft:aerenchymatous
- ft:aerenchymous
- ft:aerial
- ft:aerial root
- ft:aerial rooted
- ft:aestivation
- ft:affixed
- ft:agamospermous
- ft:agamous
- ft:aged
- ft:agglomerate
- ft:agglomerated
- ft:agglutinate
- ft:aggregate
- ft:aggregate fruit
- ft:aggregated
- ft:aggregates
- ft:aggregation
- ft:aggregations
- ft:aging
- ft:akene
- ft:ala
- ft:alae
- ft:alate
- ft:albumen
- ft:albuminous
- ft:aldehyde
- ft:alete
- ft:algalike
- ft:aligned
- ft:alike
- ft:alive
- ft:allagostemonous
- ft:alliaceous
- ft:allium
- ft:allogamous
- ft:allomictic
- ft:allomorphic
- ft:alluvial
- ft:almondy
- ft:alpine
- ft:altered
- ft:alternate
- ft:alternating
- ft:alternisepalous
- ft:alternistaminal
- ft:alveola
- ft:alveolae
- ft:alveolate
- ft:alveoli
- ft:alveolus
- ft:amalgamated
- ft:amaranth
- ft:amber
- ft:amberlike
- ft:ament
- ft:amentate
- ft:amid
- ft:amorphous
- ft:amphibious
- ft:amphicarpic
- ft:amphicarpous
- ft:amphimictic
- ft:amphipodial
- ft:amphistomatic
- ft:amphistomatous
- ft:amphistomic
- ft:amphithecial
- ft:amphitropous
- ft:ample
- ft:amplectant
- ft:amplexicaul
- ft:amplexicaulous
- ft:ampliate
- ft:ampuliform
- ft:ampulla
- ft:ampullaceous
- ft:ampullae
- ft:ampulliform
- ft:amylum
- ft:anacampylotropous
- ft:anacardium
- ft:anadromous
- ft:anastomoses
- ft:anastomosing
- ft:anastomosing cohering
- ft:anatomy
- ft:anatropous
- ft:anchoring
- ft:ancipitous
- ft:androdioecious
- ft:androecia
- ft:androecial
- ft:androecial tube
- ft:androecium
- ft:androgynecandrous
- ft:androgynophore
- ft:androgynophores
- ft:androgynous
- ft:andromonoecious
- ft:andropetalous
- ft:androphore
- ft:androus
- ft:anemone
- ft:anemophilous
- ft:aneuploid
- ft:angle
- ft:angled
- ft:angles
- ft:angular
- ft:angular trowel shaped
- ft:angulate
- ft:anguled
- ft:angustate
- ft:angustiseptate
- ft:aniline
- ft:anise
- ft:anisocytic
- ft:anisopetalous
- ft:anisophyllous
- ft:anisosepalous
- ft:anisostemonous
- ft:annotinal
- ft:annotinous
- ft:annual
- ft:annuals
- ft:annular
- ft:annular cupshaped
- ft:annulate
- ft:annuli
- ft:annulus
- ft:anomalous
- ft:anomocytic
- ft:antepetalous
- ft:anterior
- ft:antesepalous
- ft:anthela
- ft:anthelae
- ft:anthelate
- ft:anther
- ft:anther bearing
- ft:anther containing
- ft:anther filament
- ft:anther less
- ft:antheridia
- ft:antheridial
- ft:antheridiate
- ft:antheridium
- ft:antheriferous
- ft:antherless
- ft:antherlike
- ft:antherode
- ft:antherodes
- ft:antheropodia
- ft:antheropodium
- ft:antherozoid
- ft:anthers
- ft:anthesis
- ft:anthocarp
- ft:anthocarps
- ft:anthocyan
- ft:anthocyanic
- ft:anthocyanin
- ft:anthocyanins
- ft:anthocyanotic
- ft:anthocyanous
- ft:anticlinal
- ft:antipetalous
- ft:antisepalous
- ft:antitropic
- ft:antrorse
- ft:antrorse appresssed
- ft:antsepalous
- ft:apart
- ft:apertural
- ft:aperturate
- ft:aperture
- ft:apetalous
- ft:apex
- ft:apexes
- ft:aphyllopodic
- ft:aphyllous
- ft:apical
- ft:apical most
- ft:apicalmost
- ft:apices
- ft:apicula
- ft:apiculae
- ft:apiculate
- ft:apiculate obtuse
- ft:apiculations
- ft:apiculatus
- ft:apicule
- ft:apiculiform
- ft:apiculum
- ft:apiculus
- ft:apocarp
- ft:apocarpous
- ft:apocarps
- ft:apogamous
- ft:apolar
- ft:apomictic
- ft:apomicts
- ft:apopetalous
- ft:apophyses
- ft:apophysis
- ft:aposepalous
- ft:aposporous
- ft:apostemonous
- ft:apotropous
- ft:apparatus
- ft:apparent
- ft:appendage
- ft:appendage like
- ft:appendaged
- ft:appendages
- ft:appendices
- ft:appendiculae
- ft:appendiculate
- ft:appendiculations
- ft:appendix
- ft:applanate
- ft:apple
- ft:applelike
- ft:appressed
- ft:appressed glandular setose
- ft:appressed julaceous
- ft:appressed pubescent
- ft:approximate
- ft:apressed
- ft:apricot
- ft:apricot yellow
- ft:apronlike
- ft:aquatic
- ft:arabic
- ft:arachnoid
- ft:arachnoid pubescent
- ft:arachnose
- ft:arboreous
- ft:arc
- ft:arch
- ft:arched
- ft:archegonia
- ft:archegonial
- ft:archegoniate
- ft:archegonium
- ft:arches
- ft:archesporial
- ft:arching
- ft:arclike
- ft:arcs
- ft:arctic
- ft:arctic alpine
- ft:arctica
- ft:arctica type
- ft:arcuate
- ft:arcuate ascendant
- ft:area
- ft:areas
- ft:areola
- ft:areolae
- ft:areolar
- ft:areolate
- ft:areolation
- ft:areole
- ft:areoles
- ft:argenteous
- ft:argute
- ft:arial
- ft:aril
- ft:aril like
- ft:arillate
- ft:arilli
- ft:arillode
- ft:arillodes
- ft:arilloid
- ft:arillus
- ft:arils
- ft:arising
- ft:arista
- ft:arista like
- ft:aristae
- ft:aristate
- ft:aristiform
- ft:aristula
- ft:aristulate
- ft:arm
- ft:armed
- ft:armlike
- ft:armored
- ft:arms
- ft:aromatic
- ft:arranged
- ft:arrayed
- ft:arrowhead shaped
- ft:arrowlike
- ft:arrowly
- ft:article
- ft:articles
- ft:articulate
- ft:articulated
- ft:articulation
- ft:articulations
- ft:ascendant
- ft:ascending
- ft:ascending excurved
- ft:ascidia
- ft:ascidiate
- ft:ascidiform
- ft:ascidium
- ft:asepalous
- ft:aseptate
- ft:aseriate
- ft:asexual
- ft:ash
- ft:ashei
- ft:ashy
- ft:asian
- ft:asperities
- ft:asperous
- ft:asperulous
- ft:asscending
- ft:assurgent
- ft:astomatiferous
- ft:astrosclereids
- ft:astylous
- ft:asymmetric
- ft:asymmetrical
- ft:atrichous
- ft:atropous
- ft:attached
- ft:attachment
- ft:attachments
- ft:attentuate
- ft:attenuate
- ft:attenuated
- ft:aureate
- ft:aureolated
- ft:auriclate
- ft:auricle
- ft:auricle like
- ft:auricled
- ft:auricles
- ft:auricular
- ft:auriculata
- ft:auriculate
- ft:auriculate cordatulate
- ft:auriculate semiamplexicaul
- ft:auricule
- ft:auriculiform
- ft:auriform
- ft:australian
- ft:autogamous
- ft:autoicous
- ft:automictic
- ft:autotrophic
- ft:autumnal
- ft:average
- ft:avisoides
- ft:awl like
- ft:awl shaped
- ft:awn
- ft:awn point
- ft:awn tipped
- ft:awned
- ft:awnless
- ft:awnlet
- ft:awnlets
- ft:awnlike
- ft:awns
- ft:axe shaped
- ft:axehead shaped
- ft:axelike
- ft:axes
- ft:axial
- ft:axil
- ft:axile
- ft:axillary
- ft:axillocytic
- ft:axils
- ft:axis
- ft:azure
- ft:baccate
- ft:baccate insulate
- ft:bacciform
- ft:bacculate
- ft:bacculate insulate
- ft:bacilliform
- ft:back
- ft:back to back
- ft:backs
- ft:backside
- ft:backward
- ft:backward facing
- ft:bacteole
- ft:baculate
- ft:bad
- ft:bag shaped
- ft:baglike
- ft:bald
- ft:balding
- ft:ball
- ft:ball like