
From TDWG Terms Wiki
Revision as of 15:50, 10 October 2012 by EamonnOTuama (Talk | contribs)

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Schemes: Dublin Core Pencil.png, Darwin Core Pencil.png, Audubon Core Development Pencil.png
Collections: Dublin Core terms namespace Pencil.png, Audubon Core Management Vocabulary Pencil.png, Audubon Core Layer 2 Pencil.png, Darwin Core Record-level Terms Pencil.png
Search for values Crystal Clear action find.png
Modified: Date on which the resource was changed.

Notes: Audubon Core: Date that the media resource was altered. The date and time must comply with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) datetime practice, which requires that date and time representation correspond to ISO 8601:1998, but with year fields always comprising 4 digits. This makes datetime records compliant with 8601:2004. AC datetime values may also follow 8601:2004 for ranges by separating two IS0 8601 datetime fields by a solidus ("forward slash", '/'). See also the wikipedia IS0 8601 entry for further explanation and examples.

dcterms:modified [1] permits all modification dates to be recorded, or if only one is recorded, it is assumed to be the latest. See also the wikipedia IS0 8601 entry for further explanation and examples.
The given value was not understood.
The given value was not understood.


日本語 (Japanese)
Modified: 最後に資料に変更が加えられた日時。Darwin Coreにおいては、ISO 8601:2004(E)のようなスキーマを用いることを推奨する。
Español (Spanish)
Modificado: La fecha y hora más recientes en las que se haya cambiado el recurso.
  1. dcterms = http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/