KOS tools
From TDWG Terms Wiki
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Vocabulary Management Tools
These are some of the vocabulary (of terms) management tools that will be evaluated by the VoMaG. Please contact the conveners of the task group or core members of the VoMaG if you are interested and willing to get a user account and help us to evaluate these tools.
- GBIF KOS, http://kos.gbif.org, Vocabulary Management Task Group (VoMaG)
- Vocabulary Wiki, http://kos.gbif.org/wiki/ (this site)
- ISOcat demo, http://kos.gbif.org/isocat/interface/
- GBIF Vocabulary Server, http://vocabularies.gbif.org (Darwin Core extensions and controlled vocabularies/code lists)
- GBIF Resources Registry, http://rs.gbif.org (for published vocabularies, terms, extensions and controlled vocabularies)
- BioPortal demo, no public demo (yet) ontology repository
Other tools
- Protégé, free to download (the most widely used ontology editor)
- TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net (EVN) (commercial software tool).
- Swoop, free for download (very lightweight and simple OWL ontology editor and browser, single-user, desktop)
- NeOn toolkit free for download (based on Eclipse)
- PoolParty (commercial software tool)
- TemaTres, free to download (user guides in Spanish)
- ThManager, free to download (single-user, offline desktop)