ISOcat is one of the software tools to be evaluated by the Vocabulary Management Task Group (VoMaG). ISOcat provides a well designed workflow for the collaborative development and maintenance of basic terms as part of a designated Vocabulary of Terms. The ISOcat also provides useful features to build a collection of terms from the Term Vocabularies to be exported in a format somewhat similar to the Darwin Core extensions and controlled value vocabularies. The ISOcat software platform was developed and is maintained by the Clarin EU 7th framework project.
- ISOcat demo,
- ISOcat homepage,
- ISOcat manual,
Data Category (DC) is a specification of a concept or term (similar in function as the Darwin Core terms). A Data Category Selection (DCS) is a list of terms or concepts (DC) and can be used to build a set of terms for a Darwin Core extensions or a set of terms for a Darwin Core controlled value vocabulary. The full set of terms that belong to Darwin Core can be organized into a DCS and labeled as Darwin Core.
Windhouwer M, and Wright SE (2012). Linking to Linguistic Data Categories in ISOcat. p. 99-107, In: Chiarcos, C. (ed.) Linked Data in Linguistics. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28249-2_10
ISO 12620 (2009). Terminology and other language and content resources - Specification of data categories and management of a Data Category Registry for language resources. ISO, Geneva, Switzerland. [1]
Kemps-Snijders M, Windhouwer M, Wittenburg P, Wright SE (2008) ISOcat: Corralling data categories in the wild. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’08), Marrakech, Morocco, [2]
User Evaluation
Vocabulary Management Task Group (VoMaG) members and other users are most welcome to provide evaluation of the ISOcat software toolkit here. Please focus your user evaluation on the suitability of the ISOcat software as a tool to develop and maintain RDF Vocabularies of basic concepts. You may also use the Discussion page.