Audubon Core dynamic term list

From TDWG Terms Wiki
Revision as of 09:32, 22 October 2012 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs) (second level collections, not shown in first --> Audubon Core Level 1, Audubon Core Level 2)

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The list of all Terms in Audubon Core, grouped first by Collections and then by Layer 1 and Layer 2:

Audubon Core Layer 1

Index to Audubon Core Layer 1
By label: Access URI  •  Associated Observation Reference  •  Associated Specimen Reference  •  Attribution Link URL  •  Attribution URL  •  City  •  Controlled Vocabulary Term  •  Copyright Owner  •  Country ISO-Code  •  Country Name  •  Creator  •  Credit Line  •  Derived From  •  Description  •  Format  •  ID of Containing Collection  •  Identification Qualifier  •  Identifier  •  Language  •  License Logo URL  •  License URL  •  Location Created  •  Location Shown  •  Metadata Creator  •  Metadata Date  •  Metadata Language  •  Metadata Provider  •  Original Date and Time  •  Provider  •  Provider  •  Province or State  •  Rating  •  Rights  •  Service Access Point  •  Source  •  Sublocation  •  Subtype  •  Tag  •  Taxon Count  •  Taxon Coverage  •  Time of Day  •  Title  •  Type  •  UsageTerms  •  Variant  •  Vernacular Name  •  World Region
By concept name: Iptc4xmpExt:CVterm  •  Iptc4xmpExt:City  •  Iptc4xmpExt:CountryCode  •  Iptc4xmpExt:CountryName  •  Iptc4xmpExt:LocationCreated  •  Iptc4xmpExt:LocationShown  •  Iptc4xmpExt:ProvinceState  •  Iptc4xmpExt:Sublocation  •  Iptc4xmpExt:WorldRegion  •  ac:IDofContainingCollection  •  ac:accessURI  •  ac:associatedObservationReference  •  ac:associatedSpecimenReference  •  ac:attributionLinkURL  •  ac:attributionLogoURL  •  ac:derivedFrom  •  ac:hasServiceAccessPoint  •  ac:licenseLogoURL  •  ac:metadataCreator  •  ac:metadataLanguage  •  ac:metadataProvider  •  ac:provider  •  ac:providerLiteral  •  ac:subtype  •  ac:tag  •  ac:taxonCount  •  ac:taxonCoverage  •  ac:timeOfDay  •  ac:variant  •  dcterms:creator  •  dcterms:description  •  dcterms:format  •  dcterms:identifier  •  dcterms:language  •  dcterms:rights  •  dcterms:source  •  dcterms:title  •  dcterms:type  •  dwc:identificationQualifier  •  dwc:vernacularName  •  photoshop:Credit  •  xmp:CreateDate  •  xmp:MetadataDate  •  xmp:Rating  •  xmpRights:Owner  •  xmpRights:UsageTerms  •  xmpRights:WebStatement

Audubon Core Layer 2

Audubon Core Management Vocabulary

By label: Comments  •  Date Available  •  Identifier  •  Metadata Date  •  Metadata Language  •  Modified  •  Provider-managed ID  •  Rating  •  Reviewer  •  Reviewer Comments  •  Service Access Point  •  Subtype  •  Title  •  Type
By concept name: ac:comments  •  ac:hasServiceAccessPoint  •  ac:metadataLanguage  •  ac:providerManagedID  •  ac:reviewer  •  ac:reviewerComments  •  ac:subtype  •  dcterms:available  •  dcterms:identifier  •  dcterms:modified  •  dcterms:title  •  dcterms:type  •  xmp:MetadataDate  •  xmp:Rating

Audubon Core Record-Audubon Core level Service Access Point Vocabulary

No concept defined yet for this collection.

Audubon Core Related Resources Vocabulary

Audubon Core Resource Creation Vocabulary

Audubon Core Service Access Point Vocabulary

By label: Access URI  •  Extent  •  Format  •  Further Information URL  •  Licensing Exception Statement  •  Service Expectation  •  Variant  •  Variant Description

Audubon Core Temporal Coverage Vocabulary