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=== Institution Type ===
=== Institution Type ===
<div id="InstitutionType"></div>
<div id="InstitutionType"></div>
[[tdwgInstitutionType:InstitutionTypeTerm]] ||
[[tdwgInstitutionType:aquarium]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:archive]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:botanicGarden]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:conservation]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:fieldStation]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:government]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:historicalSociety]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:horticulturalInstitution]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:industry]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:laboratory]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:library]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:management]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:museum]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:natureEducationCenter]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:nonUniversityCollege]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:park]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:repository]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:researchInstitute]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:school]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:scienceCenter]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:society]] |
[[tdwgInstitutionType:university]] |
=== Contact details ===
=== Contact details ===

Revision as of 10:12, 22 June 2012

Natural Collections Description (NCD) Terms

Natural Collections Description (NCD) is a data standard for describing collections of natural history materials at the collection level; one NCD record describes one entire collection.

Term Categories


dcmitype:Dataset || dc:source | dc:creator | vcard:Orgname | dcterms:created | dc:contributor | dcterms:modified | dc:rights | vcard:NOTE


ncd:Collection | ncd:DerivedCollection || ncd:collectionID | ncd:alternativeID | ncd:isPartOfCollection | ncd:acronymOrCoden | dc:title | dc:alternative | vcard:FN | dc:description | ncd:descriptionForSpecialists | ncd:collectionExtent | ncd:collectionType | ncd:commonNameCoverage | ncd:conservationStatus | ncd:conservationStatusDate | dc:format | dcterms:medium | ncd:developmentStatus | ncd:expeditionNameCoverage | ncd:formationPeriod | ncd:geospatialCoverage | ncd:geospatialCoordinates | ncd:termLevelAccess | ncd:kingdomCoverage | ncd:knownToContainTypes | ncd:livingTimePeriodCoverage | ncd:physicalLocation | ncd:primaryGroupingPrinciple | ncd:primaryPurpose | dc:relation | ncd:relatedCollection | ncd:specimenPreservationMethod | ncd:taxonCoverage | ncd:temporalCoverage | dcterms:accessRights | ncd:usageRestrictions | dcterms:provenance | dc:rights | tdwgCommon:note

Collection Type

ncdType:CollectionTypeTerm || ncdType:archival | ncdType:art | ncdType:audio | ncdType:cellCultures | ncdType:electronic | ncdType:facsimiles | ncdType:fossils | ncdType:genetic | ncdType:geological | ncdType:herbarium | ncdType:living | ncdType:manuscripts | ncdType:mineralogical | ncdType:observations | ncdType:preserved | ncdType:products | ncdType:specimens | ncdType:texts | ncdType:tissue | ncdType:visual

Kingdom Type

ncd:KingdomTypeTerm || ncd:animalia | ncd:archaebacteria | ncd:eubacteria | ncd:fungi | ncd:plantae | ncd:protista |

Primary Grouping Principle Type

ncd:PrimaryGroupingPrincipleTypeTerm || ncd:cultural | ncd:ecosystems | ncd:environmental | ncd:events | ncd:expeditions | ncd:historical | ncd:national | ncd:relationships | ncd:repository | ncd:spatial | ncd:stage | ncd:taxonomic | ncd:temporal

Primary Purpose Type

ncd:PrimaryPurposeTypeTerm || ncd:commercial | ncd:education | ncd:exhibition | ncd:monitoring | ncd:ornamental | ncd:personal | ncd:research | ncd:voucher

Specimen Preservation Method Type

ncd:SpecimenPreservationMethodType || ncd:controlledAtmosphere | ncd:cryopreserved | ncd:dried | ncd:driedAndPreserved | ncd:embedded | ncd:fluidPreserved | ncd:freezeDried | ncd:frozen | ncd:glycerin | ncd:noTreatment | ncd:notApplicable | ncd:pinned | ncd:recordedAnalog | ncd:recordedDigital | ncd:refrigerated | ncd:semstub | ncd:skeletonized | ncd:slideMount | ncd:statsis | ncd:surfaceCoating | ncd:tanned

Development Status Type

ncd:DevelopmentStatusTypeTerm || ncd:activeGrowth | ncd:closed | ncd:consumable | ncd:decreasing | ncd:lost | ncd:missing | ncd:passiveGrowth | ncd:static |

Conservation Status Type

ncd:ConservationStatusTypeTerm || ncd:mcginley1 | ncd:mcginley2 | ncd:mcginley3 | ncd:mcginley4 | ncd:mcginley5 | ncd:mcginley6 | ncd:mcginley7 | ncd:mcginley8 | ncd:mcginley9 | ncd:mcginley10 |


tdwgInstitution:Institution || tdwgInstitution:institutionId | vcard:Orgname | dcterms:alternative | vcard:Orgunit | dc:description | tdwgInstitution:alternativeId | tdwgInstitution:hasContact | tdwgInstitution:institutionType | tdwgInstitution:isPartOfInstitution

Institution Type

tdwgInstitutionType:InstitutionTypeTerm || tdwgInstitutionType:aquarium | tdwgInstitutionType:archive | tdwgInstitutionType:botanicGarden | tdwgInstitutionType:conservation | tdwgInstitutionType:fieldStation | tdwgInstitutionType:government | tdwgInstitutionType:historicalSociety | tdwgInstitutionType:horticulturalInstitution | tdwgInstitutionType:industry | tdwgInstitutionType:laboratory | tdwgInstitutionType:library | tdwgInstitutionType:management | tdwgInstitutionType:museum | tdwgInstitutionType:natureEducationCenter | tdwgInstitutionType:nonUniversityCollege | tdwgInstitutionType:park | tdwgInstitutionType:repository | tdwgInstitutionType:researchInstitute | tdwgInstitutionType:school | tdwgInstitutionType:scienceCenter | tdwgInstitutionType:society | tdwgInstitutionType:university | tdwgInstitutionType:zoo

Contact details


Neil Thomson (Natural History Museum, London), Roger Hyam (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh), Constance Rinaldo (Harvard University), Carol Butler (Smithsonian Institution), Doug Holland (Missouri Botanical Gardens), Barbara Mathé (American Museum of Natural History), Günter Waibel (RLG Programs, OCLC), Wouter Addink (ETI Bioinformatics), Ruud Altenburg (ETI), Markus Döring (Berlin Botanic Garden).


  • Fegraus EH, Andelman S, Jones MB, and Schildhauer M (2005). Maximizing the Value of Ecological Data with Structured Metadata: An Introduction to Ecological Metadata Language (EML) and Principles for Metadata Creation. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 86(3): 158-168, DOI: 10.1890/0012-9623(2005)86[158:MTVOED]2.0.CO;2
  • Michener, WK, Brunt JW, Helly JJ, Kirchner TB, and Stafford S (1997). Nongeospatial metadata for the ecological sciences. Ecological applications 7(1): 330-342.
  • TDWG NCD Interest Group (2009). Natural Collections Description (NCD) v0.9 2008. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG). Available at http://www.tdwg.org/standards/312/, verified 7 June 2012.
  • Thomson N, Hyam R, Rinaldo C, Butler C, Holland D, Mathé B, Waibel G, Addink W, Altenburg R, Döring M (2009). Natural Collections Description (NCD). A data standard for exchanging data describing natural history collections. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG). Available at http://www.tdwg.org/standards/312/, verified 7 June 2012.


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