| StratigraphicAttributions-InformalLithostratigraphicName (also /AllocthonousMaterial/OriginalStratigraphy/StratigraphicAttributions/LithostratigraphicAttributions/LithostratigraphicAttribution/InformalLithostratigraphicName): An informal lithostratigraphic name (ie. one not yet characterised as a formation or member or an old name still in general use e.g. Schaumkalk as part of the Muschelkalk or Keuper Marl as a synonym of the Mercia Mudstone Group. Includes language as an attribute.
TODO: do empty values work out?" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.
Constraints in the context of ABCD EFG:
DEBUG within display:none
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- relationText: collection
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