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Classes TDWG , TDWGconcepts , Vocabulary of Concepts
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21 January 2020 10:12:34  +
dc:creator Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)  +
dcterms:identifier  +
dcterms:license  +
dcterms:rightsHolder Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)  +
dcterms:title Species interactions vocabulary of concepts  +
foaf:homepage  +
owl:versionInfo Draft +
rdf:type skos:ConceptScheme  +
rdfs:comment This SKOS vocabulary is based the TDWG LSI
This SKOS vocabulary is based the TDWG LSID Ontology model for taxon occurrence interactions, developed by Kevin Richards in 2009 and aimed at describing the interactions between TaxonOccurrences, observations, specimens etc. Eg the Interaction class can be expressed a host/parasite relation between two TaxonOccurrences. The TDWG LSID Ontology is again based on earlier developments from 2007 supported in part by the Pollinators Thematic Network of the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) and by the Pollination Information Management System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Organization of the United Nations (FAO).  +
rdfs:isDefinedBy  + ,  +
rdfs:label taxon occurrence interactions  + , Taxon occurrence interactions  +
rdfs:seeAlso  + ,  +
skos:editorialNote Notice that the base URI of the Species In
Notice that the base URI of the Species Interaction Vocabulary is . Please make sure that you are only using element identifiers in this namespace, e.g. There may be copies of the ontology file on the Web which can be retrieved from other locations, but those locations should not be used as the basis of identifiers. This is the first draft vocabulary scheduled to be deprecated and replaced.
y scheduled to be deprecated and replaced.  +
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix spi  +
vann:preferredNamespaceUri  +
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