Talk:Natural Collections Description
From TDWG Terms Wiki
Revision as of 17:51, 28 November 2012 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs) (→Generation script (Linux): update)
Preferred Namespaces and URIs
Collection | Preferred namespace | Preferred namespace URI |
Is in svn Ontology.owl |
Comments |
Base | tbase | | yes | Collection.rdf[1] defines the namespace "tbase" xmlns:tbase=""; note: it is also defined as ns "base" in CollectionType.rdf[2] → probably mistakenly.
Core | tcore | | yes | Procedure.rdf defines the namespace "tcore" xmlns:tcore="" |
Collection | ?tco ?tcoll ?ncd-collection | | yes | namespace “ncd-collection” was decided by Gregor Hagedorn, Andreas Plank; following the "t…" naming scheme the briefest namespace is "tco"; tc is already defined by TaxonConcept |
CollectionType | ?tcot ?tcollt ?tcolltype ?ncd-collectiontype | | yes | suggested namespace by Andreas Plank; following the "t…" naming scheme "tcot" namespace is the briefest; tct is already defined by OccurrenceStatusTerm |
Common | tcom | | yes | TaxonConcept.rdf or Institution.rdf (among many others) define namespace "tcom" xmlns:tcom=""; common to all concepts |
ContactDetails | tcd | | yes | namespace "tcd" because ContactDetails.rdf defines xmlns:tcd="" |
CyclicityTerm | tct | | no | seems in development, namespace "tct" because CyclicityTerm.rdf defines xmlns:tdi=""; conflicts with OccurrenceStatusTerm that probably defines its "tct" namespace mistakenly |
DigitalImage | tdi | | yes | namespace "tdi" because DigitalImage.rdf defines xmlns:tdi="" |
GeographicRegion | gr | | no | namespace "gr" because GeographicRegion.rdf defines xmlns:gr="" |
Institution | tinst | | yes | namespace "tinst" because Institution.rdf defines xmlns:tinst="" |
InstitutionType | titype | | yes | namespace "titype" because Institution.rdf defines xmlns:titype="" |
OccurrenceRecord | tor | | no | namespace "tor" because OccurrenceRecord.rdf defines xmlns:tor="" |
OccurrenceStatusTerm | tct | | yes | namespace "tct" because OccurrenceStatusTerm.rdf defines xmlns:tct="", conflicts with CyclicityTerm |
Person | tp | | yes | namespace "tp" because Person.rdf xmlns:tp=""; conflicts with taxpub's preferred namespace "tp" |
Procedure | tproc | | yes | Procedure.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:tproc="" |
PublicationCitation | tpub | | yes | PublicationCitation.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:tpub="" |
SpeciesProfileModel | spm | | yes | SpeciesProfileModel.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:spm="" |
SPMInfoItems | spmi | | no | SPMInfoItems.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:spmi=""; it's not in the subversion Ontology.owl but listed on TDWG website |
Specimen | tsp | | yes | Specimen.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:tsp="" |
TaxonConcept | tc | | yes | TaxonConcept.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:tc="" |
TaxonName | tn | | yes | TaxonName.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:tn="" |
TaxonOccurrence | tto | | yes | TaxonOccurrence.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:tto=" |
TaxonOccurrenceInteraction | ?? | | no | TaxonOccurrenceInteraction.rdf defines no namespace; it is not in the subversion Ontology.owl but listed on TDWG website |
TaxonRank | trank | | yes | TaxonRank.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:trank="" |
Team | tt | | yes | Team.rdf defines the namespace xmlns:tt="" |
TermWithSource | ?? | | no | TermWithSource.rdf defines the namespace; seems in development (is not listed either on TDWG website |
Defined namespaces in NCD
TODO decide for namespace prefixes of Collection, CollectionType, Person, TaxonOccurrenceInteraction, TermWithSource --Andreas Plank 09:58, 20 November 2012 (CET)
- Namespace "base" should be "tbase" --Andreas Plank 12:00, 23 November 2012 (CET)
- Namespace "tct" of OccurrenceStatusTerm in OccurrenceStatusTerm.rdf is probably wrong --Andreas Plank 13:27, 23 November 2012 (CET)
- According to declaration of namespaces we could change all earlier defined namespaces and prefix them with "ncd.". I made a proposal in column "ncd. prefixes" in the table below. For that I removed some "t…" prefixes and kept "t…" prefixes only where I thought it would be necessary --Andreas Plank 13:27, 23 November 2012 (CET)
Form links for creation of NCD concepts
Generation script (Linux)
awk script for generating wikitext with formlinks…
# BEGIN {} # block executed before processing
# END {} # block executed after processing
# FS input field separator (default: " ")
# RS record separator (default: newline)
# 2012-11-27 11:04:50 check instances of Classes if they are assigned to the right concept type or/and instance-relation (skos:Collection or skos:inScheme or vann:termGroup etc)
# This file converts NCD Collection.rdf
# into SMW {{#formlink}}. See also in the
# BEGIN {…} section. An adapted version of
# this file may also be applicable to the
# other RDF files in NCD scheme
#---- Usage: save this file as NCD-Collection.awk and execute:
# gawk -f NCD-Collection.awk Collection.rdf > Collection.wikitext
#### programm developer checks ###########
# Check for all elements within range of
# e.g. owl:DatatypeProperty to owl:DatatypeProperty
# sed --quiet "/owl:DatatypeProperty/,/owl:DatatypeProperty/{ s@\t*@@g; s@[ >].*@@g; p;}" "NCDTest-Collection.rdf" | sort --unique
# sed --quiet "/owl:ObjectProperty/,/owl:ObjectProperty/{ s@\t*@@g; s@[ >].*@@g; p;}" "NCDTest-Collection.rdf" | sort --unique
# sed --quiet "/owl:Class/,/owl:Class/{ s@\t*@@g; s@[ >].*@@g; p;}" "NCDTest-Collection.rdf" | sort --unique
# awk '$0~/<[A-Za-z]+ /{ print $0}' "NCDTest-Collection.rdf" | sed --quiet "s@.*\(<[A-Za-z]\+\).*@\1@g;p" | sort --unique
#--- check elements for instances of classes: get all instances in $filename and list all elements in it (just a programm developer check)
#--- just display execution command:
# filename="NCDTest-Collection.rdf";awk '$0~/<[A-Za-z]+ /{ print $0}' "$filename" | sed --quiet "s@.*<\([A-Za-z]\+\).*@\1@g;p" | sort --unique | sed "s@\(.*\)@sed --quiet \"/<\1/,/<\\\/\1/{ s\@\\\t*\@\@g; s\@[ >].*\@\@g; p;}\" \"$filename\" | sort --unique@"
## execute command:
# filename="NCDTest-Collection.rdf";awk '$0~/<[A-Za-z]+ /{ print $0}' "$filename" | sed --quiet "s@.*<\([A-Za-z]\+\).*@\1@g;p" | sort --unique | sed "s@\(.*\)@sed --quiet \"/<\1/,/<\\\/\1/{ s\@\\\t*\@\@g; s\@[ >].*\@\@g; p;}\" \"$filename\" | sort --unique@" | sh | sort --unique
# perl -pne 'BEGIN {undef $/} s/ │<!--\n\n-->\n\n<!--\n--> +/\n* /gm' NCDTest-Collection.mwt > NCDTest-Collection-export.mwt
# GLOBAL VARIABLES start with glob_…
FS ="\"" # field separator to quotation mark " (default is " ")
####### functions start ##################
function ltrim(s) { sub(/^[ \t]+/, "", s); return s }
function rtrim(s) { sub(/[ \t]+$/, "", s); return s }
function trim(s) { return rtrim(ltrim(s)); }
function get_rdfsLabel() {
#<rdfs:label>Collection Identifier</rdfs:label>
return trim(gensub(/.*<(rdfs:label)>(.+)<\/rdfs:label>.*/, "\\2", "g", $0))
}# get_rdfsLabel
function get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() {
# must be FS="\"" !!
#<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Collection"/>
if (firstAttributeValue~/^#/) {
firstAttributeValue=gensub(/^#/, glob_namespaceUriEncoded, "g", firstAttributeValue)
} else {
firstAttributeValue=gensub(/#/, "%23", "g", firstAttributeValue)
return firstAttributeValue
}# get_attributeValueUrlEncoded
function get_xmlDataElement (xpathQuery) {
# use xml_grep and sed to get trimmed single line values
# "xml_grep xml_grep --text_only --cond \"" xpathQuery "\" " FILENAME " | sed 's@^ *@@;:a;N;$!ba;s/\\n\\t\\+//g;'" | getline output
# has less features, e.g. get only the attribute
"xpath " FILENAME " \"" xpathQuery "\" 2>/dev/null | tr --delete '\\n' | sed 's@[ \\t]\\+@ @g;' " | getline output
# 2>/dev/null removes the xpath's script insertions like "-- NODE --"
output = gensub(/<a *href *= *['\"]([^'\">]+)['\"][^>]*>([^<]+)<\/a>/,"<nowiki>\\1</nowiki>", "g", output)#"
output = trim(output)
output = gensub(/<\/p> *<p>/,"</p>%0A%0A<p>", "g", output)
output = gensub(/[ \t]*<\/?p>[ \t]*/,"", "g", output)
output = gensub(/\[\.\.\.\]/,"[…]", "g", output)
return output
function get_conceptType(typeUrl){
switch (tolower(gensub(/.*#/,"", "g", typeUrl))) {
case "datatypeproperty":
type="data type"
case "class":
case "value":
return type
function emptyGlobalVariables() {
glob_conceptDefinition = "";
glob_conceptDomain = "";
glob_conceptID = "";
glob_conceptNotes = "";
glob_conceptRange = "";
glob_conceptType = "";
glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy = "";
glob_rdfs_Label = "";
glob_rdfs_subClassOf = "";
glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf = "";
glob_skosCollection = "";
}# emptyGlobalVariables
function create_formLink(conceptID, kindOfConceptComment, startNewOutputSection) {
# use global variables to generate the form link
#### start ####
print ((startNewOutputSection == 0) ? "--> " : "-->\n*" ) \
" {{#formlink: form=Concept\n | link text = " \
glob_namespacePrefix ":" conceptID " [[File:Pencil.png|link=]]\n | target = " glob_namespacePrefix ":" conceptID "\n | query string =<!-- " kindOfConceptComment
if (glob_rdfs_Label) print "-->Concept[label]=" glob_rdfs_Label "<!--"
# append all other fields
if (glob_conceptDefinition) print "-->&Concept[definition]=" trim(glob_conceptDefinition) "<!--"
if (glob_conceptNotes) print "-->&Concept[notes]=" trim(glob_conceptNotes) "<!--"
if (glob_conceptType) print "-->&Concept[concept type]=" trim(glob_conceptType) "<!--"
if (glob_modified) print "-->&Concept[modified]=" gensub("/", "%2F", "g", glob_modified) "<!--"
if (glob_issued) print "-->&Concept[issued]=" gensub("/", "%2F", "g", glob_issued) "<!--"
if (glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy)
print "-->&Concept[is defined by]=<nowiki>" trim(glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy) "</nowiki><!--"
print "-->&Concept[is defined by]=<nowiki>" glob_namespace_isDefinedBy "</nowiki><!--"
#if (glob_conceptDomain || glob_conceptRange)
print "-->&Concept scheme relation[1][scheme]=Natural Collections Description<!--"
if (glob_conceptDomain) print "-->&Concept scheme relation[1][property domain]=<nowiki>" trim(glob_conceptDomain) "</nowiki><!--"
if (glob_conceptRange) print "-->&Concept scheme relation[1][property range]=<nowiki>" trim(glob_conceptRange) "</nowiki><!--"
if (glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf) print "-->&Concept relation[1][relation]=rdfs: subproperty of<!--"
if (glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf) print "-->&Concept relation[1][uri]=<nowiki>" trim(glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf) "</nowiki><!--"
if (glob_rdfs_subClassOf) print "-->&Concept relation[1][relation]=rdfs: subclass of<!--"
if (glob_rdfs_subClassOf) print "-->&Concept relation[1][uri]=<nowiki>" trim(glob_rdfs_subClassOf) "</nowiki><!--"
if (glob_skosCollection) print "-->&Concept relation[1][relation]=skos: collection<!--"
if (glob_skosCollection) print "-->&Concept relation[1][internal page]=NCD " trim(glob_skosCollection) "<!--"
#### end ####
print "-->}} │<!--"
}# create_formLink
####### functions end ####################
########## ObjectProperty ################
# in the range of <owl:ObjectProperty … </owl:ObjectProperty> do:
/.*<owl:ObjectProperty/,/.*<\/owl:ObjectProperty>/ {
glob_conceptType = "property"
# <rdfs:comment <rdfs:domain <rdfs:isDefinedBy <rdfs:label <rdfs:range <rdfs:subPropertyOf
# get glob_conceptID in <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="collectionId">
if ($0~/.*<owl:ObjectProperty/) { # print $2 # check data
glob_conceptDefinition = get_xmlDataElement("*/owl:ObjectProperty[@rdf:ID='" glob_conceptID "']/rdfs:comment/node()")
else {
if ($0~/<rdfs:label/) { glob_rdfs_Label = get_rdfsLabel() }
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:domain/) { glob_conceptDomain = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "domain: " glob_conceptDomain
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:range/) { glob_conceptRange = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "range: " glob_conceptRange
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:isDefinedBy/) { glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "rdfs:isDefinedBy: " glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:subPropertyOf/) { glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "rdfs:subPropertyOf: " glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf
}# definitions within <owl:ObjectProperty>…</owl:ObjectProperty>
if ($0~/.*<\/owl:ObjectProperty>/) {
print create_formLink(glob_conceptID, "ObjectProperty")
}# values in ObjectProperty
########## DatatypeProperty ##############
# in the range of <owl:DatatypeProperty … </owl:DatatypeProperty> do:
/<owl:DatatypeProperty/,/<\/owl:DatatypeProperty>/ {
glob_conceptType="data type"
# <rdfs:comment <rdfs:domain <rdfs:isDefinedBy <rdfs:label <rdfs:range <rdfs:subPropertyOf
# get glob_conceptID in <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="collectionId">
if ($0~/.*<owl:DatatypeProperty/) { # print $2 # check data
glob_conceptDefinition = get_xmlDataElement("*/owl:DatatypeProperty[@rdf:ID='" glob_conceptID "']/rdfs:comment/node()")
# print "rdfs:comment (definition): " glob_conceptDefinition
else {
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:label/) { glob_rdfs_Label = get_rdfsLabel() }
# print "rdfs:label: " glob_rdfs_Label
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:domain/) { glob_conceptDomain = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "domain: " glob_conceptDomain
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:range/) { glob_conceptRange = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
if ($0~/.*<rdf:type/) { glob_conceptType = get_conceptType(get_attributeValueUrlEncoded()) }
# print "range: " glob_conceptRange
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:isDefinedBy/) { glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "rdfs:isDefinedBy: " glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:subPropertyOf/) { glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "rdfs:subPropertyOf: " glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf
}# definitions within <owl:DatatypeProperty>…</owl:DatatypeProperty>
if ($0~/.*<\/owl:DatatypeProperty>/) {
#### Create the form link ####
print create_formLink(glob_conceptID, "DatatypeProperty")
}# values in DatatypeProperty
########## owl:Class and its instances ####
# Classes and instances of a particular class
$0~/<owl:Class/ {# Class definition starts
glob_conceptDefinition = get_xmlDataElement("*/owl:Class[@rdf:ID='" classNameID "']/rdfs:comment/node()")
}# owl:Class
readingOwlClass != "" {
glob_conceptType = "class"
if ($0~/<rdfs:label>/) { glob_rdfs_Label = get_rdfsLabel() }
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:subClassOf/) { glob_rdfs_subClassOf = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "rdfs:subClassOf: " glob_rdfs_subClassOf
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:isDefinedBy/) { glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
# print "rdfs:isDefinedBy: " glob_rdfs_isDefinedBy
if ($0~/.*<rdf:type/) { glob_conceptType = get_conceptType(get_attributeValueUrlEncoded()) }
$0~/.*<\/owl:Class>/ {# Class definition closes
print create_formLink(classNameID, "Class", 1); # separate for output
# reading instances of this class
classNameID != "" {
if(index ($0, "<" classNameID ) > 0) {# an instance of the class was found, e.g. <PrimaryGroupingPrincipleTypeTerm …> of <owl:Class rdf:ID="PrimaryGroupingPrincipleTypeTerm">
}# a class property found
if(readingInstanceOfClass) {
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:label/) glob_rdfs_Label = get_rdfsLabel() # get_xmlDataElement("*/" classNameID "[@rdf:ID='" glob_conceptID "']/rdfs:label/node()")
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:comment/) glob_conceptNotes = get_xmlDataElement("*/" classNameID "[@rdf:ID='" glob_conceptID "']/rdfs:comment/node()")
if ($0~/.*<dc:title/) { } # don't know yet what to do with it
if ($0~/.*<tbase:definition/) glob_conceptDefinition = get_xmlDataElement("*/" classNameID "[@rdf:ID='" glob_conceptID "']/tbase:definition/node()")
if ($0~/.*<rdfs:subClassOf/) { glob_rdfs_subClassOf = get_attributeValueUrlEncoded() }
if ($0~/.*<rdf:type/) { glob_conceptType = get_conceptType(get_attributeValueUrlEncoded()) }
# no glob_rdfs_subPropertyOf but a glob_skosCollection
glob_skosCollection = classNameID
if(index ($0, "</" classNameID ">") > 0) {# the
print create_formLink(glob_conceptID, "Property in class");
- ncd.core:ContactInformation │
- ncd.core:Organisation │
- ncd.core:Collection │
- ncd.core:Description │
- ncd.core:Geolocalisation │
- ncd.core:Person │
- ncd.core:Place │
- ncd.core:PublicationCitation │
- ncd.core:Specimen │
- ncd.core:Concept │
- ncd.core:Identification │
- ncd.core:Team │
- ncd.core:Observation │
- ncd.core:Gathering │
Formlinks are for testing if date go to the right form field when clicking on a link.
- ncd.coll:Collection │
- ncd.coll:DerivedCollection │ ncd.coll:collectionId │ ncd.coll:isPartOfCollection │ ncd.coll:alternativeId │ ncd.coll:descriptionForSpecialists │ ncd.coll:collectionExtent │ ncd.coll:knownToContainTypes │ ncd.coll:primaryGroupingPrinciple │ ncd.coll:primaryPurpose │ ncd.coll:citeAs │ ncd.coll:formationPeriod │ ncd.coll:developmentStatus │ ncd.coll:conservationStatus │ ncd.coll:conservationStatusDate │ ncd.coll:usageRestrictions │ ncd.coll:hasContact │ ncd.coll:hasOwner │ ncd.coll:physicalLocation │ ncd.coll:kingdomCoverage │ ncd.coll:taxonCoverage │ ncd.coll:temporalCoverage │ ncd.coll:taxonCoverageStrength │ ncd.coll:commonNameCoverage │ ncd.coll:commonNameCoverageStrength │ ncd.coll:geospatialCoverage │ ncd.coll:geospatialCoverageStrength │ ncd.coll:geospatialCoordinates │ ncd.coll:livingTimePeriodCoverage │ ncd.coll:livingTimePeriodCoverageStrength │ ncd.coll:collectionType │ ncd.coll:specimenPreservationMethod │ ncd.coll:expeditionNameCoverage │ ncd.coll:collectorNameCoverage │ ncd.coll:relatedCollection │ ncd.coll:itemLevelAccess │
- ncd.coll:DevelopmentStatusTypeTerm │ ncd.coll:activegrowth │ ncd.coll:passivegrowth │ ncd.coll:consumable │ ncd.coll:static │ ncd.coll:decreasing │ ncd.coll:closed │ ncd.coll:lost │ ncd.coll:missing │
- ncd.coll:SpecimenPreservationMethodTypeTerm │ ncd.coll:noTreatment │ ncd.coll:notApplicable │ ncd.coll:fluidPreserved │ ncd.coll:frozen │ ncd.coll:dried │ ncd.coll:driedAndPressed │ ncd.coll:tanned │ ncd.coll:freezeDried │ ncd.coll:glycerin │ ncd.coll:surfaceCoating │ ncd.coll:slideMount │ ncd.coll:embedded │ ncd.coll:pinned │ ncd.coll:controlledAtmosphere │ ncd.coll:cryopreserved │ ncd.coll:recordedAnalog │ ncd.coll:recordedDigital │ ncd.coll:refrigerated │ ncd.coll:semstub │ ncd.coll:skeletonized │ ncd.coll:stasis │
- ncd.coll:PrimaryPurposeTypeTerm │ ncd.coll:research │ ncd.coll:education │ ncd.coll:exhibition │ ncd.coll:ornamental │ ncd.coll:Destructiveanalysis │ ncd.coll:monitoring │ ncd.coll:personal │ ncd.coll:voucher │ ncd.coll:commercial │
- ncd.coll:PrimaryGroupingPrincipleTypeTerm │ ncd.coll:spatial │ ncd.coll:Ecosystems │ ncd.coll:cultural │ ncd.coll:taxonomic │ ncd.coll:relationships │ ncd.coll:expeditions │ ncd.coll:environmental │ ncd.coll:temporal │ ncd.coll:repository │ ncd.coll:national │ ncd.coll:events │ ncd.coll:stage │
- ncd.coll:KingdomTypeTerm │ ncd.coll:Animalia │ ncd.coll:Plantae │ ncd.coll:Fungi │ ncd.coll:Protista │ ncd.coll:Eubacteria │ ncd.coll:Archaebacteria │
- ncd.coll:ConservationStatusTypeTerm │ ncd.coll:McGinley1 │ ncd.coll:McGinley2 │ ncd.coll:McGinley3 │ ncd.coll:McGinley4 │ ncd.coll:McGinley5 │ ncd.coll:McGinley6 │ ncd.coll:McGinley7 │ ncd.coll:McGinley8 │ ncd.coll:McGinley9 │ ncd.coll:McGinley10