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type location: The institution where a type specimen is housed.

Notes: From a nomenclatural point of view the name of depository institution of the holotype has to be explicitly mentioned in a treatment of a new species level taxon in order to create an available name. Acronyms of the institutions can be used. The location of the institution has to be provided. Institutions can be private collections to public natural history museums.

<tp:treatment-sec sec-type="holotype">
            <tp:collecting-location>SAUDI ARABIA, Al Bahah province, Amadan forest, Al Mandaq governorate, </tp:collecting-location>
            <named-content content-type="dwc:verbatimCoordinates">20°12'N, 41°13'E</named-content>
            , 1881 m.a.s.l. 19.V.2010; 9M. R. Sharaf &amp; A. S. Aldawood Leg.); 
      <tp:taxon-type-location>King Saud Museum of Arthropods (KSMA), College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud 
      University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.</tp:taxon-type-location>
</tp:treatment-sec sec-type="holotype">
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