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{{Concept relation
{{Concept scheme relation
|relation=skos: in scheme
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|internal page=Darwin Core
{{Concept relation
{{Concept relation

Revision as of 18:45, 14 November 2012

Scheme: Darwin Core Pencil.png
Collection: Darwin Core Occurrence Pencil.png
Search for values Crystal Clear action find.png
Behavior: A description of the behavior shown by the subject at the time the Occurrence was recorded. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.

Example(s): "roosting", "foraging", "running".


中文(简体)‎ (Simplified Chinese)
行为: 对记录发现过程中目标行为的描述。建议最好使用控制性词汇。
日本語 (Japanese)
Behavior: 記録時に対象が示した行動の記述。管理された語彙の使用を推奨。
Español (Spanish)
Comportamiento: Una descripción de la conducta mostrada por el sujeto en el momento del Registro Biológico. La práctica recomendada es el uso de un lenguaje controlado.
Ejemplo: "posando", "alimentándose", "corriendo"
