Simple Knowledge Organization System

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Issued: 2009/08/18

The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a common data model for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Semantic Web.This document provides a brief description of the SKOS Vocabulary.

For detailed information about the SKOS Recommendation, please consult the SKOS Reference SKOS-REFERENCE or the SKOS Primer SKOS-PRIMER.


Creators: Alistair Miles (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory / University of Oxford), Sean Bechhofer (University of Manchester)

Namespace URI: with preferred namespace prefix “skos”.


Collections in Simple Knowledge Organization System:

SKOS Concept Schemes  •  SKOS Documentation Properties  •  SKOS Lexical Labels  •  SKOS Mapping Properties  •  SKOS Notations  •  SKOS Semantic Relations

Concepts in Simple Knowledge Organization System without collection:
By label: Collection  •  Concept  •  history note  •  note
By concept name: skos:Collection  •  skos:Concept  •  skos:historyNote  •  skos:note
Concepts in Simple Knowledge Organization System (grouped by collection):

SKOS Concept Schemes

By label: ConceptScheme  •  is in scheme
By concept name: skos:ConceptScheme  •  skos:inScheme

SKOS Documentation Properties

By label: change note  •  definition  •  editorial note  •  example  •  scope note
By concept name: skos:changeNote  •  skos:definition  •  skos:editorialNote  •  skos:example  •  skos:scopeNote

SKOS Lexical Labels

By label: alternative label  •  hidden label  •  preferred label
By concept name: skos:altLabel  •  skos:hiddenLabel  •  skos:prefLabel

SKOS Mapping Properties

By concept name: skos:broadMatch  •  skos:closeMatch  •  skos:exactMatch  •  skos:mappingRelation  •  skos:narrowMatch  •  skos:relatedMatch

SKOS Notations

By label: notation
By concept name: skos:notation

SKOS Semantic Relations