RDF Schema
From TDWG Terms Wiki
(Redirected from RDFS)
Issued: 1999/03/03 Modified: 2004/02/10 |
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general-purpose language for representing information in the Web. This specification describes how to use RDF to describe RDF vocabularies. This specification defines a vocabulary for this purpose and defines other built-in RDF vocabulary initially specified in the RDF Model and Syntax Specification.
Homepage: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/
Namespace URI: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# with preferred namespace prefix “rdfs”.
Collections in RDF Schema:
RDFS Classes • RDFS Properties • RDFS Utility Properties
Concepts in RDF Schema without collection:
Concepts in RDF Schema (grouped by collection):
RDFS Classes
By concept name: rdfs:Class • rdfs:Resource
RDFS Properties
By label: subClassOf • subPropertyOf
By concept name: rdfs:subClassOf • rdfs:subPropertyOf
RDFS Utility Properties
By label: isDefinedBy
By concept name: rdfs:isDefinedBy