Global Names Architecture

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Global Names Architecture (GNA)

The Global Names Architecture is described by the canonical URI "" (the vocabulary is of rdf:type = skos:ConceptScheme). The preferred namespace prefix is "gna" with namespace URI = "". Minting the GBIF Terms here. Each term will have it's own Wiki page with the description of the term. Terms are presented here organized alphabetical by their group (skos:Collection). The first step when setting up a new vocabulary (with external namespace URIs) is to import the term identifier URIs to the Wiki. This is done using a special wiki page in the "MediaWiki" wiki-namespace and starting with "Smw_import_" followed by the local namespace prefix to be used by the Wiki. For the GBIF terms we use: MediaWiki:Smw_import_gna.

Collection Terms

Minting the groups for organizing the Global Names Architecture (GNA) Terms here (groups are of rdf:type = skos:Collection).

Concept Terms

Minting the individual GNA Terms here (terms are of rdf:type = skos:Concept).

Taxon Description (gna:Description)

Darwin Core Taxon extension to exchange simple text or paragraph based taxon descriptions. Not suitable for structured descriptions and keys, but useful for creating species pages. (No new terms defined).

Species Distribution (gbif:Distribution)

Geographic distribution of a taxon. gna:appendixCITES

Alternative Identifiers (gna:Identifier)

Other known identifier used for the same taxon or occurrence. Can be a URL pointing to a webpage, an xml or rdf document, a DOI, UUID or any other identifier. (No new terms defined).

dcterms:identifier | dcterms:title | dcterms:subject | dcterms:format

Simple Images (gna:Image)

Simple extension for exchanging metadata, in particular links, for species or occurrence images. (No new terms defined).

Literature References (gna:Reference)

Bibliography for a taxon. (No new terms defined).

Species Profile (gna:SpeciesProfile)

gna:isMarine | gna:isTerrestrial | gna:isHybrid | gna:isExtinct | gna:livingPeriod | gna:ageInDays | gna:sizeInMillimeters | gna:massInGrams | gna:lifeForm

Types and Specimen (gna:TypesAndSpecimen)

An extension for specimens and types, including type specimens, type species and type genera and simple specimens unrelated to types. gna:typeDesignatedBy | gna:typeDesignationType | gna:verbatimLabel

Vernacular Names (gbif:VernacularName)

Extension to core taxa that lists vernacular names for a scientific taxon. gna:isPlural | gna:isPreferredName | gna:organismPart

GBIF Vocabulary of Terms

Properties Values
Name rdfs:label Global Names Architecture, Vocabulary of Terms
Namespace rdfs:isDefinedBy
Identifier dc:identifier
Description dc:description The Global Names Architecture (GNA) Vocabulary of Terms includes terms minted by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).
Version owl:versionInfo Version 1.0
Creator dc:creator Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Version owl:versionInfo Version 1.0
Rights holder dcterms:rightsHolder Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
License dcterms:license
Type rdf:type skos:ConceptScheme
Comment rdfs:comment The base URI of the Global Names Architecture (GNA) Vocabulary of Terms is Please make sure that you are only using element identifiers in this namespace, e.g. "". There may be copies of the ontology file on the Web which can be retrieved from other locations, but those locations should not be used as the basis of identifiers.
Namespace vann:preferredNamespaceUri
Prefix vann:preferredNamespacePrefix gna
Home page foaf:homepage
See also rdfs:seeAlso