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Revision as of 15:28, 24 January 2017 by David Fichtmueller (Talk | contribs) (fixed erroneous description and example)
Gathering-LongitudeDecimal No type definition was found for "Gathering-LongitudeDecimal" in the abcd2 import.
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Notes: To store coordinates that are expressed in a non decimal way (e.g. by using Degrees, Minutes and Seconds), please use abcd2:Gathering-VerbatimLongitude
Example(s): -78.8097, 13.30961, 174.82394
Constraints in the context of ABCD 2:
- cardinality 0..1 (=optional single occurrence)
ABCD2 Hierarchy
XPath Segments: /DataSets /DataSet /Units /Unit /Gathering /SiteCoordinateSets /SiteCoordinates /CoordinatesLatLong /LongitudeDecimal