| Identification-DateText (also /DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Identifications/Identification/Date/DateText): A text version (alphabetic mixed case and integer) of the date at which the unit identification event took place. This element is meant for use when the date is imprecise, ambiguous or not in a form that satisfies the standard structured date format. It can also be used when it is important to record the verbatim representation of the date or when dates to be recorded are not completely legible. For example the day and month may be decipherable but not the year; the use of this field will allow recording of partially interpreted information.
This field can be used to record generalised date ranges and irresolvable ambiguity such as different day/month order conventions (e.g. US/Europe) or to allow for multiple dates and periods.
Notes: Note that this element is not normally used for searches.
Example(s): 25 [?] 1925
3/9/45 [ambiguous day month]
Spring 1912
Late 1800s
End of 19th Century
Mid 1978
Easter 1933
Post WW2
Before June 25, 2000
After June 25, 2000
TODO: do empty values work out?" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.
Constraints in the context of ABCD 2:
DEBUG within display:none
- dataTypeOfConceptRelation: Page
- relationCode: vann:termGroup
- relationText: collection
- setPageOrString: ABCD Identification
- setURLorAnnotationURIOrdefault:
{{#set: vann:termGroup=https://terms.tdwg.org/wiki/ABCD_Identification}}
DEBUG within display:none
- dataTypeOfConceptRelation: Annotation URI
- relationCode: skos:exactMatch
- relationText: has exact match
- setPageOrString:
- setURLorAnnotationURIOrdefault: http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/dateIdentified
{{#set: skos:exactMatch=http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/dateIdentified}}