
From TDWG Terms Wiki
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This is the description of a vocabulary term from the DarwinCore vocabulary, http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/. This term is imported from dwc:dynamicProperties and has type String.


  • Label: Dynamic properties
  • Definition: A list (concatenated and separated) of additional measurements, facts, characteristics, or assertions about the record. Meant to provide a mechanism for structured content such as key-value pairs.
  • Example: "tragusLengthInMeters=0.014; weightInGrams=120", "heightInMeters=1.5", "natureOfID=expert identification; identificationEvidence=cytochrome B sequence", "relativeHumidity=28; airTemperatureInC=22; sampleSizeInKilograms=10", "aspectHeading=277; slopeInDegrees=6", "iucnStatus=vulnerable; taxonDistribution=Neuquen, Argentina"

Other RDF declarations


  • ABCD:



(New translations as separate Wiki pages, one page per term and language.)