Audubon Core Non Normative Document
This is a non-normative document. See the Audubon_Core_1.0_Call_For_Public_Review. Public comment period closes March 31, 2013.
The non-normative documents cited below give a description of the Audubon Core (formerly "MRTG" for the acronym of its creation team, the TDWG/GBIF Multimedia Resources metadata Task Group) representation-neutral format. The non-normative document is the best introduction to the purpose, architecture, and history of the Audubon Core effort to propose a multimedia resource metadata architecture suitable for biodiversity media. It is intended to argue for the need, and explain how the Audubon Core uses other metadata terminology wherever possible. In addition, please see the Task Group's Initial Recommendations to GBIF, one of which was to produce a metadata schema, under the rationale set out in further detail in the non-normative document.
See also the normative Audubon Core introduction and the associated normative Term List.
Current Drafts
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.94 Word Format as of 13:33, 10 June 2013
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.94 PDF Format as of 17 Nov 2012 UTC
- docV1.93 accompanies a submission to the TDWG Executive Committee requesting permission for proposed public review of the Audubon Core proposal.
Earlier Drafts
- File:04 AudubonCore1.0NonNormative docV1.93.doc V1.93 Word Format as of 17 Nov 2012 UTC
- V1.93 PDF Format as of 17 Nov 2012 UTC
- File:04 AudubonCore1.0NonNormative docV1.92.doc V1.92 Word Format as of 07 Dec 2012 UTC
- V1.92 PDF Format as of 07 Dec 2012 UTC
- File:04 AudubonCore1.0NonNormative docV1.8.doc V1.8 Word Format as of 04:54, 10 August 2012 UTC
- V1.8 PDF Format as of 04:54, 10 August 2012 UTC
- File:04 AudubonCore1.0NonNormative docV1.7.doc V1.7 Word Format as of 19:43, 22 July 2012 UTC
- V1. PDF Format as of 19:43, 23 July 2012 UTC
- File:04 AudubonCore1.0NonNormative docV1.6.doc V1.6 Word Format as of 2012-07-08 22:48 UTC
- V1.6 PDF Format as of 2012-07-08 22:48 UTC
- File:AudubonCore1.0NonNormative docV1.5.doc V1.5 Word Format as of 2011-09-30 18:47 UTC
- V1.5 PDF Format as of 2011-09-30 18:48 UTC
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.4 Word Format as of 2011-09-30 18:47 UTC
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.4 PDF Format as of 2011-09-30 18:48 UTC
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.3 Word Format as of 2011-09-24 15:42 UTC
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.3 PDF Format as of 2011-09-24 15:42 UTC
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.2 Word Format. Document v 1.2 as of 20:44, 26 June 2011 (CEST)
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.2 PDF Format. Document v 1.2 as of 20:44, 26 June 2011 (CEST)
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.1 Word Format. Document v 1.1 as of 18:00 UTC 11 April 2011
- Audubon Core NonNormative Document V1.1 PDF Format. Document v 1.1 as of 18:00 UTC 11 April 2011
- MRTGNonNormativev0_7v1.doc Non normative MRTG v0.7 as Word document draft as of 04:52, 2 May 2009 (CEST)
- MRTGNonNormativev0_7v1.pdf Non normative MRTG v0.7 as PDF document draft as of 04:52, 2 May 2009 (CEST)
- :MRTGNonNormativev0_6final-6Apr09.doc Non normative MRTG v0.6 as Word document
- MRTGNonNormativev0_6final-6Apr09.pdf Non normative MRTG v0.6 as PDF document