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Scheme: FloraTerms Pencil.png

Description: The closeness of a group of similar structures are distributed as mass per unit area/size, e.g., dense, sparse.

Notes: Categories were abstracted from 9228 botanical terms used in Flora of North America and Flora of China. [1]
The given value was not understood.

This is a collection within the FloraTerms. It contains the following concepts:

By label: concentrateddensedenserdensestdiffusedilutedispersedpatchypurpleremotesparsersporadicsubdensesubsparse
By concept name: ft:concentratedft:denseft:denserft:densestft:diffuseft:diluteft:dispersedft:patchyft:purpleft:remoteft:sparserft:sporadicft:subdenseft:subsparse


  1. Semantic Annotation, Ontology Building, and Interactive Key Generation from Morphological Descriptions.