Geological time periods and events
The Geological time periods and events vocabulary of concepts is described by the canonical URI (the vocabulary is of rdf:type = skos:ConceptScheme). The preferred namespace prefix is "geotime" with namespace URI = When minting the geotime concepts here, each concept will have it's own Wiki page with a definition and further descriptions. An overview of the concepts are (will be) presented here organized alphabetical by their group (skos:Collection). The first step when setting up a new vocabulary (with external namespace URIs) is to import the concept identifier URIs to the Wiki. This is done using a special wiki page in the "MediaWiki" wiki-namespace and starting with "Smw_import_" followed by the local namespace prefix to be used by the Wiki. For the species interaction concepts we use: MediaWiki:Smw_import_geotime.
Controlled values for Controlled Value Vocabularies are recommended by the VoMaG task group ( to be RE-USED from a SKOS RDF resource. The SKOS RDF resource is recommended to provide the definition of the concepts designed for maximal potential to be re-used. A new draft SKOS RDF resource for geological time periods and events was developed and made available at This new and draft SKOS vocabulary provides the definitions for the concepts re-used here in a controlled value vocabulary for species interactions. This model allows for multiple controlled value vocabularies to re-use concepts from the same SKOS vocabularies. And each Controlled Value Vocabulary may re-use concepts defined by different SKOS vocabularies.
Controlled value vocabularies
The terms for this RDF Vocabulary were originally developed using the GBIF Vocabulary Server. The terms here are actually reverse-engineered from the controlled value vocabularies. These controlled value vocabularies will be updated with the re-used URIs from this RDF Vocabulary and deposited to the GBIF Resources Repository at
Annotation properties
Properties | Values |
Label | Geological time periods and events |
Identifier | |
Title | Geological time periods and events |
Description | Standard nomenclature for paleontological intervals of time and events based on GTS2004. |
Created | 2012-05-02 |
Updated | 2012-05-02 |
Creator | Natural History Museum in London |
Creator | Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) |
Version | Draft version, 02 May 2012, not yet published |
License | |
Type | skos:ConceptScheme |
Scope note | The GeoTime vocabulary provides the nomenclature for geological time periods based on the Geologic Time Scale 2004 (GTS2004). These terms are used by a number of controlled value vocabularies designed to be used together with the TDWG Darwin Core standard...(what the vocabulary does and does not cover) |
Editorial note | Notice that the base URI for the GeoTime vocabulary (draft version) is "". Please make sure that you are only using element identifiers in this namespace, e.g. "". There may be copies of the vocabulary file on the Web which can be retrieved from other locations, but those locations should not be used as the basis of identifiers. |
Prefix | geotime |
Namespace (vann) | |
Namespace | |
Home page | |
Bibliographic citation | Baker E, Johnson KG, Young JR (2011). The future of the past in the present: biodiversity informatics and geological time. ZooKeys 150:397-405. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.150.2350 |
Bibliographic citation | Gradstein FM, Ogg JG, and Smith AG (2004). A geological time scale 2004. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.4095/215638. ISBN: 9780521786737. |