Revision as of 23:08, 21 November 2012
Credit Line (also Attribution Statement): The credit to person(s) and/or organisation(s) required by the supplier of the item to be used when published. This is a free-text field.
Notes: Audubon Core: Free text for "Please cite this as…"
Note: URIs of IPTC terms for Adobe XMP terms are not resolvable. Visit IPTC Standard Photo Metadata (July 2010) for further documentation.
DEBUG within display:none
- dataTypeOfConceptRelation: Page
- relationCode: vann:termGroup
- relationText: collection
- setPageOrString: Audubon Core Attribution Vocabulary
- setURLorAnnotationURIOrdefault:
{{#set: vann:termGroup=}}
DEBUG within display:none
- dataTypeOfConceptRelation: Page
- relationCode: vann:termGroup
- relationText: collection
- setPageOrString: Audubon Core Layer 1
- setURLorAnnotationURIOrdefault:
{{#set: vann:termGroup=}}
DEBUG within display:none
- dataTypeOfConceptRelation: Page
- relationCode: vann:termGroup
- relationText: collection
- setPageOrString: IPTC Extension schema (1.1) specifications
- setURLorAnnotationURIOrdefault:
{{#set: vann:termGroup=}}