| geographic location (country and/or sea,region): The geographical origin of the sample as defined by the country or sea name followed by specific region name. Country or sea names should be chosen from the INSDC country list (
http://insdc.org/country.html), or the GAZ ontology (v 1.512) (
Example(s): Germany:Sylt:Hausstrand
DEBUG within display:none
- dataTypeOfConceptRelation: Page
- relationCode: vann:termGroup
- relationText: collection
- setPageOrString: MIxS Environment Vocabulary
- setURLorAnnotationURIOrdefault:
{{#set: vann:termGroup=https://terms.tdwg.org/wiki/MIxS_Environment_Vocabulary}}
DEBUG within display:none
- dataTypeOfConceptRelation: Annotation URI
- relationCode: skos:exactMatch
- relationText: has exact match
- setPageOrString:
- setURLorAnnotationURIOrdefault: https://terms.tdwg.org/wiki/dwc:higherGeography
{{#set: skos:exactMatch=https://terms.tdwg.org/wiki/dwc:higherGeography}}
Expected value: country or sea name (INSDC or GAZ):region(GAZ):specific location name
Requirements (eu, ba, pl, vi, org, me, MIMARKS Survey, MIMARKS Specimen): M M M M M M M M
Value syntax: {term}:{term}:{text}