
From TDWG Terms Wiki
Revision as of 11:38, 15 November 2013 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs) (1 revision: scheme: Audubon Core → Audubon Core Development)

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Schemes: Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) Pencil.png, Audubon Core Development Pencil.png
Collections: XMP Rights Management namespace Pencil.png, Audubon Core Attribution Vocabulary Pencil.png, Audubon Core Layer 1 Pencil.png
Copyright Owner
Search for values Crystal Clear action find.png
Copyright Owner: A list of legal owners of the resource.

Notes: Audubon Core: A list of the names of the owners of the copyright. 'Unknown' is an acceptable value, but 'Public Domain' is not.

Some providers use dcterms:publisher [1] for this purpose, but it seems doubtful that the publisher is by necessity the copyright owner. 'Public Domain' is not an appropriate value because it denotes something that is not under copyright. In this case, omit or leave empty xmpRights:Owner, and put 'Public Domain' in the Copyright Statement (dcterms:rights). Except for 'Public Domain' resources, it is strongly urged that this field be supplied.

Note: URIs of Adobe XMP terms are not resolvable. Visit XMP Specification Part 1, Sec 8.5 for further documentation. XMP Schema is defined in RDF, not w3c schema.
The given value was not understood.
The given value was not understood.
  1. dcterms = http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/