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Schemes: IPTC Photo Metadata Pencil.png, Audubon Core Development Pencil.png
Collections: IPTC Extension schema (1.1) specifications Pencil.png, Audubon Core Content Coverage Vocabulary Pencil.png, Audubon Core Layer 1 Pencil.png
Controlled Vocabulary Term
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Controlled Vocabulary Term (also Subject Category): A term to describe the content of the image by a value from a Controlled Vocabulary.

Notes: Audubon Core: Controlled vocabulary of subjects to support broad classification of media items. Terms from various controlled vocabularies may be used. AC-recommended vocabularies are preferred and may be unqualified literals (not a full URI). For terms from other vocabularies either a precise URI should be used, or, as long as all unqualified terms in all vocabularies are unique, metadata should provide the source vocabularies using the Subject Category Vocabulary term.

Recommended sets include: the NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) [1], K2N [2], the BioComplexity Thesaurus[3], the Description Type GBIF Vocabulary [4], the TDWG Species Profile Model [5], the Pinian Core [6] and the European Environmental Agency GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus(GEMET) [7]. The vocabulary may include major taxonomic groups (such as “vertebrates” or “fungi”) or ecosystem terms (“savannah”, “temperate rain forest”, “forest fires”, “aquatic vertebrates”). Other formal classifications (published in print or online) such as habitat, fuel, invasive species, agroproductivity, fisheries, migratory species etc. are also suitable.

The workflow descriptions from IPTC is "Enter an identifier for the controlled vocabulary, then a colon, and finally the code from the vocabulary assigned to the term".

Note: URIs of IPTC terms for Adobe XMP terms are not resolvable. Visit IPTC Standard Photo Metadata (July 2010) for further documentation.
The given value was not understood.
The given value was not understood.

Constraints in the context of IPTC Photo Metadata:

  1. NASA Global Change Master Directory http://gcmd.nasa.gov/
  2. Subject Categories defined in Key to Nature: http://www.keytonature.eu/wiki/Subject_Category
  3. BioComplexity Thesaurus http://thesaurus.nbii.gov
  4. GBIF Description Types http://rs.gbif.org/vocabulary/gbif/description_type.xml
  5. Species Profile Model (http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/SPMInfoItems.rdf
  6. Plinian Core (http://www.gbif.es/plinian/doku.php)
  7. GEMET http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet